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Friday, 13 May 2016

Spring on Wolverine Lake: Waterfowl

Getting back to a bit more photoblogging with a batch of springtime photos from around our house.

Today we have a few migratory waterfowl photos. In addition to our usual summer guests -- mute swans, Canada geese, mallards, blue herons -- we had some fun visitors pass through on their way to locations farther north.

These are bufflehead ducks. They usually just pass through just after the ice lets out and just before the ice forms in the fall. I kinda wish we had a video clip of them because they're great fun to watch. They hang out in small, active groups and spend their time swimming about vigorously on the water, popping underwater to swim fairly long distances, and occasionally flying to a new spot to do it all again.

We also had a few less frequent visitors to our lake this year. A few loons passed by our dock. We don't usually see loons on our lake because they prefer quieter places. But every now and then a few will stop by to say howdy.

Also in waterfowl news around the house, a mallard has set up a nest under the forsythia bush by our garage. She began sitting the nest on May 10, so we expect to have a few ducklings walking by on their way to the lake in early June.

More on Myrtle Mallard later....

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