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Thursday, 3 January 2013

Bridge to Shikhar - The Shahara Bridge

Yemen. North of Sana'a is a beautiful array of two Sahhar mountain (2306 m) and Mafluk (2215 m), and around - the green land of Wadi Vaara, famous for its mild subtropical climate. It also houses one of the main attractions of the northern part of the country - a village-fortress Shikhar (163 km north of Sanaa), located on top of the mountain height of 2160 meters, and therefore practically impregnable. 

Over its long history of this place was the headquarters of the resistance forces and the Turks during the XVI-XVII centuries, and the headquarters of the Royalists during the Civil War of 60s. The village is actually made up of two parts, each of which is crowned with its own mountain peak.

This bridge is even depicted on the coins in denominations of 10 riyal.

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