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This year's North American International Auto Show was better than ever!  The atmosphere was positive, the displays were extravagant, a...

Friday, 31 December 2010

Detroit Graffiti

A while back I caught some graffiti in Detroit. Some very impressive stuff. Although I wasn't able to decipher the gang language.
I know that Biggee said 'mo money mo problems' but if I had some big money maybe I could help solve them. Problems that is. I'd like to have the opportunity to see if he was incorrect.

I'm not sure what I believe. I believe there are a lot of questions.

Pardon me?

A car wash...

in Highland Park

I can't read the rest

Z E B O ?


Marvin the Martian?

Father Nature?

And then there is this. As a whole these are a lot more interesting than what I found in Lansing. Check out the 496 Project: 496 Project blog post

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Edmund's - Downtown Lansing

Edmund's - Downtown Lansing has billiards, video games, a jukebox, cards, Scrabble and some good eats.

Yes - Edmund's has some damn good food. They are open early for breakfast on the weekend. Check this out - Link: Capital Gains Media - Edmunds

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Homecoming That's Not a Dance

We do things that we have to do even though there is a level of wanting to. Things like going home to visit family – all those obligatory visits for holidays and special events. You don’t mind doing it but sometimes it’s like a chore is being accomplished. Then there are those times that you NEED to go home. Home is where people know your history. Home is where you are accepted because everyone knows everyone’s flaws. The advantage to that is that you never have to explain yourself. Having that knowledge of history simplifies greatly things. You never have to explain – back story. Home is where everyone just gets it.
For some reason Oscoda does not make it on many road signs.

I recently had to go home. I received an E-mail from my ‘mom’ that she wasn’t doing well with her asthma. She was back on medication and decided that she wasn’t cooking Christmas dinner. The last time I heard something on that level my biological mother was sent to the hospital and never recovered. I had some missed opportunities of which I didn’t take advantage. I couldn’t make that same mistake again with knowledge gained from experience.
Standish is the 'one hour left' point.

I rearranged my thought process from chilling at home in order to make the trek up north. Y’all know about up north don’t ya? Up north the land of jack pines, two lane highways, and Indian Lore. Up north where you describe distances in hours, not miles. Up north where turns utilize the shoulder of the road – including left turns.
That's correct ladies and gentlemen, you run out of freeway up north.

I needed to see my mom. I needed to be near people that knew me from childhood. I needed to be by people that didn’t need to ask questions about the past to understand the now. And I could tell how she reached out to me – she needed to see her ‘other son’. Besides I had no holiday dinner plans and I KNEW someone would have to step up. Guess who showed up just in time for dinner. Thanks brother Deke for making food for me – uh I mean us. Side note – they NEVER know when I’m going to show up but Deke pointed out that when I do it is usually just as the food is hitting the table.
The inner delinquent has to suppress the urge to vandalize this sign.

I was agitated while driving. It had been a week full of drastic ebbs and flows both positive and negative. I could say that it felt like I was emotionally speed balling. The stress was sincerely zapping my normal sense of chaos. When I was close to home, around about AuSable, it seemed like I was there was a bloodletting of the poison that was causing me to be tense, stressed and angry. My breathing didn’t feel like there was an elastic bandage wrapped around my lungs. I was home. I knew I would be welcome. I knew I would be allowed to just – be. I was thankful. It was very necessary.
Mom, Nikkolas [nephew], Brandi [sis]

Deke [brother] - stop taking my picture, I want to sleep


This boy doesn't sleep

Monday, 27 December 2010

Margaret Ross Custom Gifts

I started in October. I thought I was done by mid November. I received an E-mail from my mom and she went gaga over the Time Slot episode that featured Margaret Ross.
If you missed it that would be here: M.R. on TS / LIL
Christmas Eve I mad a frantic call to Ms. Margaret Ross letting her know about my situation and thank goodness she was happy to help a brother out.
1st we picked out a pair of ear rings for mom.

Then she started working on a custom 'dog tag' for young Nikkolas.

If she had a hammer - which she does - she will hammer late into the night even on Christmas Eve.

As we both admire her work.

Almost done. Add a couple music notes, buff, patina, and polish.

Makes for a happy Nephew Nikk. And of course mom was thankful too.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

My holidays...

When I heard my father’s voice crackling on the phone sounding emotionally fearful I was dumbfounded. I had always thought of my father as someone that is always solid and never wavering. The man that survived the Vietnam War. A man that was always steadfast. The man that conquered whatever was before him. A man that sought out new challenges with a feverish intensity. A man that never seemed soft, or weak, or beat down. A man that even when confronted with adversity rose up a faced whatever was before him with his shoulders square. I had only seen my father cry during one time. When is mother died. And even then it seemed controlled and subdued.
“Your mother is in the hospital” he said.
I heard him. I heard him too well. But what I heard and how it was said didn’t not make sense to me. He sniffed. His voice sounded weak. All I could say was “what?”
“Your mother is in the hospital” he repeated.
I have no detailed memory of what followed. I was standing in the hallway of a hospital because I was visiting the woman that I was dating. My vision went blurry. I felt dizzy. I was surrounded by people and desperately wanted to be alone. As I shuffled around in a circle several times I couldn’t help but uncontrollably explode in tears. Nurses were asking me if I was okay. I couldn’t speak. The air felt like it was confining me. My arms flung wildly in front of me as I swam through the thickness and fell into a stairwell. I sat down and asked my father what I should do.
“Your mother is in the hospital” he said.
After a while I got the information that I needed to visit my mother. My body was limp. The cool hard wall and floor cradled me as melted from sobbing. I had never felt so helpless and selfish. Three days before Thanksgiving Dinner – what’s going to happen now? Things will never be the same. If I had known then how true that thought was I probably wouldn’t have been able to make myself rise and handle it.
My girlfriend checked herself out of the hospital and within the hour we were travelling.
Thanksgiving was spent pretending everything is okay.
Christmas was spent pretending everything was okay.
More chemotherapy.
More phone calls, more long trips, and another tattoo – for my mother…
Come May I had a weird feeling. I called my mother and asked for her recipe for potato salad. I didn’t have a piece of paper or anything to write with. I really didn’t care how to make potato salad. When I hung up the phone I knew something was wrong. I should have got into the car right then. Mother’s Day was one week away – I just figured things will be okay until then. I must have just misread how she was speaking. I shouldn’t have second guessed myself.
A few days later my father called. May 1998
“Your mother died early this morning.”
Things will never be the same.
I spent a few days listening to people talk about what my mother was. It infuriated me. My mother is. She wasn’t my mother. She is my mother. I let everyone know.
1st funeral down – in the home town.
Almost a week later, 2nd funeral where she is going to be buried. Almost a week of pretending everything is okay.
“Hey Uncle, let me have a cigarette.”
“But you don’t smoke.”
“Uncle, let me have a cigarette. Oh I need a light too.”
For some reason there were no pallbearers picked out for my mother. When the preacher asked the congregation for any volunteers I was flabbergasted. What do you mean there are no pallbearers for my mother. All the shit my mother did for other people. She spent a lifetime doing for others. Making people happy. Helping people. Coaching people. Teaching people. And now in her end of days there isn’t one fucking person that can wheel her body out of the church. I looked at my father in disbelief. Helpless again. No one came forward. I looked at my grandmother, my cousin, my uncle, I stared with disbelief at the preacher. I began to rise out of the pew. I was reaching towards my mother’s coffin flanked by flowers. The preacher looked at me. I collapsed in grief. I cried out. No I screamed – NOOOOOOO. Momma. Momma. Momma. Well that started a wave of grief. 1st with my grandmother, then my cousin, then my other cousin, as I looking at my father he just shook his head and sobbed. Finally someone came forward to help my mother take her final earthly journey as I had to be helped out of the church. The one woman that I knew I could depend on. The one woman that I knew the real deal whether I agreed with it or not. The one woman that stood her ground – gone. The holidays will never be the same.
To whoever said – it gets easier with time – I’d like to let them know they are wrong.
Until the end of time - Things will never be the same.

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Margaret Ross

Margaret Ross is an awesome woman that does some really cool art for ears. Seriously, you should check it out - Margaret Ross Jewelry. You can watch her interview on Time Slot just in case you missed it when it was first posted. Here are some highlights of her open house for her custom made jewelry space that is in Kean's Department Store in Mason, MI. It is worth the drive and the walk to the back of the store for her one of a kind patented earring choices. She designs and makes a single earring that goes through multiple holes in one ear. You gotta see it to 'get it'.

Kean's Store - Margaret Ross Jewelry Design Studio
406 S. Jefferson
PO Box 218
Mason, MI 48854
Phone: (517)676-5144

Links are below the pics

This is Ms. Margaret Ross. Well Mrs...

cuz this is Mr. Ross.


And the link to the Time Slot interview: Mrs. Ross Time Slot Interview

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Craig Mitchell Smith - Glass | Art

There is a man that is doing amazing things with glass. You can check out exactly what he is doing at his gallery | studio that is in the Macy's wing of the Meridian Mall in Okemos, Michigan. Why bother you may ask. You should bother because he has an aw inspiring story and is is doing absolutely beautiful affordable art. AND he has an ornament on the national Christmas tree in Washington D.C. Now, how cool is that? Darn cool that is. His interview will be up on Time Slot this Thursday 23 December 2010 on the lifeinlansing.com website.
Here is a sneak peak:

The artist - I'll let him explain this piece cuz I'll just mess it up.

Here are some samples of what the Holiday Ornament looks like. That's right ladies and gentlemen you can get your own. Only 1000 will be made then he'll never make them again. It will be numbered and registered.

Here's his Time Slot Episode Link: Time Slot | Craig Mitchell Smith

And for more information about the artist, what he does and some professional pics of his work:

Grace Boutique

There is this awesome women's clothes store in Old Town Lansing that you should check out. It is called "Grace". And here is a great hint ladies for how to get exactly what you would like for a gift.
115 West Grand River Avenue
Lansing, Michigan 48906

Phone: 517.927.8628

Medium quality